Avin Ahmadi had a brilliant solo performance on October 30, 2023, at one of the most

renowned jazz clubs in Vienna: Porgya&bess (Strengen Kammer). She has since

released the recorded live versions of two tracks from that unforgettable night:

"Horses," a song written by Avin Ahmad and a poem from Garous Abdolmalekian,

capturing the atmosphere of Tehran's protests, and "Fairy," a composition inspired by

the beautiful poetry of Forough Farokhzad.

Avin's emotionally charged performances have left an indelible mark, with the two

songs now available on all streaming platforms, offering a glimpse into the personal

and historical layers of her musical journey.

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 By clicking on any of the photos you'll be sent to : "Live at Strengen Kammer, Porgy&Bess/Vienna" by Avin Ahmadi :


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